Customer of the MonthJuly

Chloe Pearse

Chloe's courage, humor, humility, and charity represent the qualities that truly make our community special.

Q: How long have you been going to Terminus? What changes have you seen in yourself (physically or mentally) since joining?
At the start of 2019 I was diagnosed with a blood cancer and it knocked me sideways. Overnight pretty much everything changed for me. I spent 2019 trying to understand what it meant, getting used to the medication that knocked me out and added to my growing fatigue. My ‘ah ha’ moment came this time last year in 2020 when I realized I needed to get active and fit again if this body was going to deal with my illness and get me through the next 30 years or so. I knew of Terminus as I regularly drove past the gym so I contacted Ben and set up an intro lesson.  I have been coming  3-4 times a week almost regularly since then. This is the most committed I’ve ever been to a place and to my health and the changes are noticeable. While I’ll never lift the heaviest, I’m lifting heavier and heavier each time. I’ll never be the fastest but I push myself to finish within time. I’ll never be the most flexible but my squats are pretty deep, and I’ll never like burpees but I do them. Terminus has made me want to get better for myself and that is a new feeling for me.

Q: How has your journey at Terminus helped you outside the gym?
Getting physically stronger means I can now do things I enjoy without getting tired too quickly. I remember the first time I kept up with my husband in unloading 30 bags of mulch. I matched him bag for bag up the driveway. Before Terminus I would not have been able to have moved more than about 4 without having to quit. That was one of my proudest moments, knowing that getting strong meant I could live life. It’s helped me in other ways too, I’m more comfortable in my body, I like the way it is slowly changing shape and showing the world what it can do.

Q: Who inspires you at the gym, and how do they inspire you?
Everyone who turns up regardless of all the other family, work and mental pressures that we all face. The 7am and 8am classes, these are full of fun, kind and talented people (who also bring a slightly world-weary sarcasm with them that I appreciate so much – I’m looking at you Allison and Wyatt). Also let’s not forget the 7.30pm class – Marcie, Sam, Jacquwan who encouraged me when I first started. The coaches, especially the coaches who were once students. I think that says a lot about a place that it inspires people to want to teach and help others be their best.

Q: How would you describe what it’s like to be a part of Terminus?
I am part of a group of people who don’t necessarily take themselves seriously but take their fitness very seriously and that means people are open and friendly and supportive of each other’s goals and are always happy for someone else’s success.

Q:  Tell us about your first day of class at Terminus.
Patrick and squats. Bear in mind I had not exercised in almost 2 years, I was the original ‘couch to cross-fit’ candidate. I couldn’t walk the next day but I remember that I loved the class, Patrick and the others made it so welcoming (and it is scary turning up unfit to Cross-Fit)

Q: What is something that we may not know about you?
I have lived and worked on 4 continents, and I became an American citizen in April

Q: What are your top 3 memories or proudest moments in CrossFit?
Hitting triple digits for a back squat. Shaving 40secs off a 2km row the second time I did it and having enough grip strength to finally be able to hang off the bar

Q: Moving forward, do you have any short term or long term goals in the gym?
Yes lots! Now I can hang from the bar, I want to work on pull ups – it’s the old lack of upper body strength for me. If this time next year I can execute some decent looking pull ups I will be over the moon.

Customer of the MonthMay

Adam Mincey

Adam is a local Atlanta real estate agent and recent newlywed. Get to know Adam here and give him a fist bump next time you're at the gym. 

Q: How long have you been going to Terminus? What changes have you seen in yourself (physically or mentally) since joining? 

I joined Terminus in October of 2018. Ryan Oubre kept showing up to look at houses suuuper sweaty and jacked after his WOD and he invited me to come workout! It has definitely improved my physique and conditioning. But, the biggest change I have seen in myself is my level of focus. I have been able to train my mind to be more present and do just a little bit more than I think I am capable of doing.

Q: How has your journey at Terminus helped you outside the gym?

Putting yourself through these grueling workouts week in and out definitely creates a strong mental fortitude.

Q: Who inspires you at the gym, and how do they inspire you?

Probably cliché but I would say everyone! Seeing someone who is clearly more fit than you and trying to keep pace with them is super inspiring, or seeing all of the Eastman’s there working out together is amazing and totally family goals!

Q: How would you describe what it’s like to be a part of Terminus?

It’s like going to school again, but maybe like a P.E. class ha! You have a chance to get to know this wonderful community all while also going through super tough workouts together!

Q:  Tell us about your first day of class at Terminus.

Back in 2018 we still had “intro” class.  All I really recall is Patrick was our coach and I was eager to show how in shape and fit I was and that I was ready for the regular class! I was not..

Q: What is something that we may not know about you?

I was in a few local bands here and spent from 2009-2015 playing music all over the country

Q: What are your top 3 memories or proudest moments in CrossFit?

1. Placing in 2nd at last years 10k
2. Getting my first muscle up
3. Meeting my bro Thomas

Q: Moving forward, do you have any short term or long term goals in the gym?

Butterfly pull-ups are my short term and my long term is to do L3 for every workout for a whole year!

Customer of the MonthApril

The Treumans

For April we are featuring one of the gym's power couples. Get to know Kathryn and Daniel here and give them a fist bump next time you're at the gym.

Q: How long have you been going to Terminus? What changes have you seen in yourself (physically or mentally) since joining?

We’ve been doing CrossFit for a little over 4.5 years and joined Terminus in late December of 2018, so I guess we have been members for about 2 and a half years. Hard to believe really as that time has passed by pretty quickly. We have certainly both gotten physically stronger since joining Terminus, but we are more proud of the improvement to our “engines” and our ability to push through longer/tougher/more mentally challenging workouts. We are still working everyday to improve on the physical elements of our programming where we struggle (see: heavy barbell cycling or anytime I have to put a bar above my head for Daniel and pull-ups/T2B for Kathryn), but we definitely feel like our attitude remains positive and engaged even on days where the movements do not favor our strengths. We definitely had an issue with cherry-picking workouts at our previous gym. Since joining Terminus, the only time we don’t go to the gym is if our schedules do not allow; we do not let the contents of the workout dictate whether we come or not.

Q: How has your journey at Terminus helped you outside the gym?

We both agree that Terminus is an important part of not just our physical health, but our mental health as well. We sleep better, function better at work, and generally feel better because of the time we get to spend at Terminus. As Kathryn likes to say, sweating it out and slinging barbells around at the gym makes me a better person outside of the gym! This pandemic has also been a great reminder of the importance of physical and specifically our cardiovascular health as we get older and deal with an uncertain world. It is good to know that we are doing everything we can to remain healthy and Terminus is a huge part of that.

Q: Who inspires you at the gym, and how do they inspire you?

Kathryn:  For sure my 5amily ladiesssss (this includes Katie Taylor…you PM folks can’t have her, she’s all ours!)…but all of the badass strong AF females that walk in the door daily at Terminus…even all the afternoon/evening gals that I’ve never even met because I don’t workout when the sun’s out :). Y’all come in each day and crush it!

Daniel: I am constantly amazed at the number of people who are crazy enough to wake up at a time where there is still a “4” on the clock in order to make it to the 5am class. It is a remarkable consistent group of people and I admire all of my 5amily for it. In addition, I won’t name any names for fear of leaving someone out, but there are a handful of people that I just love working out with, who know how and when to push me and make sure I get the most out of every training session. I appreciate this more than I can express here.

Q: How would you describe what it’s like to be a part of Terminus?

There are a number of different elements of being a member at Terminus that define the experience for us. First and foremost, we love the community and the people that we workout with each day. They are a huge part of the reason that we are willing to wake up at 4:30 every day to come to the gym. They are inspiring and hardworking, and we have developed some very meaningful friendships with these folks. We appreciate each and every coach at Terminus as we know that we will receive quality instruction and quality feedback that allows us to improve as athletes but also to stay safe and avoid injury. Lastly, we appreciate that the programming at Terminus is always challenging and always pushing us to improve. The high level of intensity from the workouts is both daunting but also exciting to be a part of each day.

Q:  Tell us about your first day of class at Terminus.

We actually have two different “First Days” at Terminus. Before we joined officially, we did a drop in class. It was right around the December holidays so there weren’t too many people there, but we do remember that Sara Hardy greeted us in the parking lot with that big smile and a warm welcome. The workout that day involved running and pull-ups, so it was definitely more in Daniel’s wheelhouse than Kathryn’s. Our first class/workout after we joined the gym was coached by Ben and featured double-unders. Kathryn very distinctly remembers Ben having a significant amount of constructive feedback to discuss with her about her double unders, which of course only made them worse on that day and was a quick introduction to the intensity that Ben can bring to a class.

Q: What is something that we may not know about you?

Kathryn: Fun fact! I’m ambidextrous…I write and eat left-handed…but do most everything else (including using scissors and playing any kind of sportsball) right-handed

Daniel: During college, as a member of the UGA Basketball Band, I was kicked out of multiple games for heckling players and referees.

Joint: We have been together for almost 16 years. We met at UGA, when Daniel was but a young freshman and Kathryn was going into her junior year (yes, Kathryn is older/a cougar).

Q: What are your top 3 memories or proudest moments in CrossFit?


  • Anytime I beat Daniel in a WOD
  • I will 1000000% never forget *ATTEMPTING* to do the hero WOD “TAMA” in the middle of a torrential downpour, with thunder and lightning in the area. Thanks for that one Coach Patrick…
  • Most recently, I am really proud of the effort I gave for the Open WOD 21.2, and seeing the huge amount of improvement I’ve made since this was originally programmed as 17.1, which was my first CrossFit Open.


  • Anytime I beat Kathryn in a WOD
  • That time the evening classes correctly placed the weights back onto the wall-holders (Just kidding! This has never actually happened!)
  • Anytime Jeremy has a story to share with the class. See: The hyena story.
  • Bonus Memory: Post Friendsgiving Nickelback leisure walks…Thanks Steve.

Q: Moving forward, do you have any short term or long term goals in the gym?

Kathryn:  Short term, I want to get my right foot back to 100% (or as close as I can get) so that I can get back into my running groove. More long term, I want to continue working on my upper body strength in order to string more pull-ups together and finally getting some freaking kipping T2B!

Daniel: I want to continue to improve on the movements that give me the most trouble, including ring muscle-ups (which I still haven’t figured out), heavy barbell cycling, and overhead squats. Long term, I simply want to stay healthy, avoid injury, and continue to find steady improvement through consistently going to Terminus 5-6 days per week.

Customer of the MonthJanuary

Melana Lex

Melana is a core member of our 7:30pm class. Get to know Melana here, and make sure you say hello to her next time you’re at the gym!

Q: How long have you been doing CrossFit? What changes have you seen in yourself (physically or mentally) since beginning CrossFit?

Crazy to believe that Feb 2021 will make 12 months (- quarantine break)…Since joining the most notable change has been the sense of friendship that has developed with the new class format. Physically, I’m finally starting to lose my Beyonce kneecaps, while slighty getting bootylicious, haha.

Q: How has CrossFit helped you outside the gym?

CrossFit has helped continue to take the limits off of myself mentally and physically; whether due to age, postpartum, weather-based aches or new parent fatigue. Terminus in particular has also reinforced the importance and influence of those who share like values, “iron sharpens iron.”

Q: Who inspires you at the gym, and how do they inspire you?

Oh man inspiration…all my fellow 7:30pm athletes, many are new but we are about this CrossFit life! Patrick and Trent can always be counted on to help me “get my life” with a daggone pull-up or bur-pay (insert eye roll). Marcie “Shero” and Sam welcomed me with their smiles and couple’s goals from day one and they are my low key motivation. Jacquawn is now my official CrossFit Battle Buddy, always pushing, positive and looking to take it to the next level.

Q: What is something that we may not know about you?

Hmmm….no secret talents, but I’ve teleworked since Nov 2019, so seeing my fellow athletes each week has been a tremendous blessing as a stress relief and social interlude to my often solitary but hectic work week.

Q: Any advice for someone considering trying CrossFit for the first time?

EVERY athlete in the gym had a first day. Commit to showing up each week and you will be surprised at how much you progress in the months to come. Join the 730 class for inspiration

Q: What are your top 3 memories in CrossFit?

*Run Against Racism 5K/10K – this campaign confirmed for me that I was in the right place to grow and build friendships
*The first time I ran 400m under 1:50 sec. (It only happened once, but it happened LOL)
*The first time I was able to reach 90% of a leg tuck (new Army requirement). This is huge, when I started, I had zero, 0, ZE-RO hang time or grip strength.

Q: What’s your proudest accomplishment?

Making it to class on time

Q: Moving forward, do you have any short term or long term CrossFit goals?

Short-term: 3 leg tucks (commitment to my Battle Buddy)
Long Term: Be able to keep up with Marcie

Customer of the MonthMarch

Bari Rosenstein

Bari has been working hard on her nutrition. While counting her Macros she has gone from eating 1200 cals a day to 2000 and is thrilled with her results. Get to know Bari here!

Q: How long have you been going to Terminus? What changes have you seen in yourself (physically or mentally) since joining?
It has been a full year!  Since joining, I have seen super strength and confidence. I am lifting heavier and actually trying to keep up with all the bad ass chicks in class!

Q: How has your journey at Terminus helped you outside the gym?
It’s given me serious structure. I plan my day + Saturdays around my workouts. I look forward to putting in work for an hour every day. Also, making friends in a new city has been nice!

Q: Who inspires you at the gym, and how do they inspire you?
I think because everyone at the gym works hard, they all push me to work harder. There are some seriously strong people at Terminus and just being able to workout with them is inspiring enough! (Except on Scale Saturdays!!)

Q: How would you describe what it’s like to be a part of Terminus?
Welcoming. Starting at a new gym in a new city is hard and joining Terminus has been easy!

Q: Tell us about your first day of class at Terminus.
I remember Trent was my coach and welcomed me with open arms. I was so nervous and I remember the workout being so hard!!

Q: What is something that we may not know about you?
I am the Social Media Manager for Auntie Anne’s pretzels!

Q: What are your top 3 memories or proudest moments in CrossFit?
1. Squatting 200 pounds!
2. Actually losing weight!
3. Hanging out with people outside of the gym!

Q: Moving forward, do you have any short term or long term goals in the gym?
I want to be able to do ONE pull-up!!

Customer of the MonthSeptember

Roger Parilla

Through his ability to build friendships and mesh with the community, Roger has surrounded himself with a support system to keep him accountable and consistent.

Q: How long have you been doing CrossFit? What changes have you seen in yourself (physically or mentally) since beginning at Terminus?
I started doing CrossFit last year at the very end of Oct when I signed up for the Intro class at Terminus. It was awful, I threw up in the parking lot at the end of my very first class! Thank you Patrick!
I started coming Monday-Friday when I joined the normal classes the following month. Since then I have seen a lot of changes.  Physically, I’m down 40lbs since joining and have gotten much fitter. I literally could not finish the 250m route without walking on day 1 but just last week was able to complete Jerry (1mile run, 2k row, 1mile run). The biggest changes for me have been mentally though. When I first joined I wasn’t happy with my weight at all and my expectations for each WOD were always very low. I would come in and expect to fail most workouts and would. But the more I got in there and the more comfortable I got with the coaches and members the higher my expectations got. Now I feel great! I’m confident in my fitness, I’m confident in my body and I’m confident with myself.

Q: How has Terminus helped you outside the gym?
With the weight loss and new confidence I just move differently, physically and figuratively. When it’s time to get ready I’m not worried about what I’ll look like in what I choose to wear. Instead I can get dressed and think about what I’ll be getting into that day. Think about the fun to be had. I’ve been getting my family out of the house at least once a week for some physical activities now. That time spent with them outside together is much more enjoyable than sitting around all day in the house.
My favorite part is feeling more comfortable being the leader in my family. I’m happy, healthy, confident, disciplined and much more. Knowing that, that’s what I’m putting out for my wife and children to see makes me feel amazing.

Q: Who inspires you at the gym, and how do they inspire you?
This question can go so many ways! I’m inspired by everyone at Terminus and I’m inspired daily by everyone in the 8am class, which is the class I attend on the regular. I will try to keep my list short although I could name each person from my class and how they inspire me. First I would like to state the obvious, and that is that Terminus is full of the most bad a** women I have ever met.
I’m thankful for Sara who made me feel welcomed on day one and has pushed me to finish workouts since I joined the 7am (now 8am) class. I have heard her voice many times encouraging me to finish every WOD. She is also always down to do the cool down with me! DEFINITELY an inspiration.
I’m also inspired by Wyatt and Ben Davidson, who peer pressure me into pushing heavier weight everyday! I still don’t know how those two are so fast. And I would also like to thank the 4 people who inspire us all, in no particular order, Emily, Sonya, Trent and PATRICKKKKK.

Q: What is something that we may not know about you?
Most people know I tattoo but most of them don’t know I also illustrate children books!

Q: Any advice for someone considering trying CrossFit for the first time?
Just give it your best try! It’s not easy but if you give it your best every time, you will get better!

Q: What are your top 3 memories at Terminus?
1) Patrick making me throw up on Day 1 and making me consider my life decisions.
2) Trent feeling bad for me being so far behind, he told me to just do 4 rounds instead of 5!
3) Me dying in the middle of a workout and Sonya yelling “It’s suppose to be uncomfortable!”

Q: What’s your proudest accomplishment?
For the first month, maybe even 2 months, I was doing every workout at level 1 and I still timed out on every WOD that had a time cap. My proudest accomplishment was finishing my first workout within the time limit.

Q: Moving forward, do you have any short term or long term Fitness goals? 

Thank you Ben and Emily for creating this space.
Thank you to the coaches for leading us and helping us.
Thank you to all the members for being amazing!

Customer of the MonthAugust

The Hoovers

Only fitting to highlight 2 of our founding members! From being the first people ready to greet new a face to cheering on the last athlete to finish this couple truly embodies the spirit of Crossfit.

From the Hoovers: OMG we are so honored! It has been one of our greatest joys over the past 7 years being members of CrossFit Terminus. Remembering the first days at Terminus 1.0 doing prowler pushes nearly every day to the absent Edgewood bridge over what would become the beltline to seeing the gym as it stands now is truly amazing. We are so thankful for the love and support from everyone at the gym along the journey to getting married, changing jobs, passing specialist boards exams- Terminus has been there through it all and we could not be happier.

Q: How long have you been doing CrossFit? What changes have you seen in yourself (physically or mentally) since beginning CrossFit?

Steve: I started doing Crossfit in 2010, before I met Ellie, when a former teammate invited me to try CrossFit.  My first workout was Cindy, I don’t remember the score but it hurt (in a good way) and I was hooked.  I participated in the first Crossfit open in 2011, new movements showed up and I had to learn new skills like double-unders and muscles ups.  Crossfit is always asking you to grow as an athlete, it is never easy, it pushes you to do more and be better.  The great thing about Terminus is if you can’t do it on your own, coach Ben Benson can provide you with the necessary motivation.

Ellie: I started doing CrossFit in 2011 when my stud boyfriend at the time convinced me to buy a Groupon to try it out with a girlfriend in PT school. My first workout included something with a ridiculous amount of lunges and my quads didn’t work right for over a week, hurting to go down AND up stairs, yet somehow I was hooked. I learned how to do olympic and power lifts that I never imagined I would complete (albeit it very light) and have been able to mentally push myself to a weird place to finish workouts. When I get to work in the morning, I already feel accomplished knowing that I have already taken the time to take care of myself and my health before I set forth to do that for my patients.

Q: How has CrossFit helped you outside the gym?

Steve: CrossFit has allowed me to rekindle the competitive drive that I missed playing college football.  Approaching 40, I am in better shape than I was in my 20s.  I can hang with the high school football team I coach in 7 on 7 and show them a thing or two in the weight room.  CrossFit allows me to stay active outside the gym.  I enjoy family hikes, backpacking, and camping with Ellie and our dog Stella.

Ellie: CrossFit has helped me become stronger and protect my body and patients working in the hospital as a physical therapist…it literally makes sure I can get my patients out of bed. It has also helped me to achieve the nickname “Fitness Ellie” in my rehab department which makes me chuckle because most of you reading this are stronger and faster than me.

Q: Who inspires you at the gym, and how do they inspire you?

Steve: I am inspired to see people achieve their goals.  I love seeing people get their first; first pull-up, first muscle-up, , first completed WOD, first mile without walking or just walking in for their first class.  The first is always the hardest and worth celebrating.  Also the ladies of 5am!

Ellie: I am inspired by my ladies of 5AM and #5AMily, past and present. They show up daily, hold me accountable (even when I want an extra rest day), and prioritize fitness to start their day. They all push me to try my hardest, no matter how sleepy I am, to get the most out of my hour in the gym. I am also inspired by Jennifer Eastman who is my idol inside and out of the gym (love you, momma duck!) who always pushes me harder to try to keep up with her.

Q: What is something that we may not know about you?

Steve: I spent two college summers wearing a cowboy hat working on a buffalo ranch outside of Austin, Texas.  I am still haunted by the smell of a heard of buffalo in the 100 degree Texas heat.

Ellie: I was on the synchronized swimming club varsity team at the University of Michigan my freshman year

Q: Any advice for someone considering trying CrossFit for the first time?

Steve: Don’t be scared to ask for help, if there is one thing crossfitters like to talk about it is CrossFit.  Terminus has a great community of coaches and members that want you to be successful.

Ellie: What he said. Your coaches and classmates are going to support you and celebrate every victory on your journey in CrossFit!

Q: What are your top 3 memories in CrossFit?

Steve: Team Terminus winning the Atlantic Super Regional clinching our spot at the 2015 Crossfit Games and poppin’ bottles at the post regional celebration with another regional champion Emily Bridgers!  Big day of wins for Terminus!
Coaching Ellie through her first and second muscle up on 15.2 RX for a score of 2!
Friday Night Lights, the roar of the crowd cheering you on to get the next rep or hit the big weight.  There was nothing like a packed house at Terminus to push you to move faster and lift heavier.  I loved celebrating with friends and frosty “recovery” beverages knowing that we would do it all again next week.

Ellie: Cheering on my hot hubby at the CrossFit Games team competitions in 2013 and 2015 (as well as all the other competitions he “lets” me watch), getting my first/second/and only muscle ups on 15.2 with Steve and Emily’s help, and Friday Night Lights Open workouts at Terminus

Q: What’s your proudest accomplishment?

Steve: Easy #1 is finally being named athlete of the month after 7 years, even though I have to share it.  Feel free to leave Ellie’s name off the commemorative plaque.  Seriously though, the friends I have made along the way.  Shared suffering has a way of bringing people together and the training gauntlet that was Squat Mafia formed unbreakable bonds.  Thanks Ben!

Ellie: Making it to 5am class on time/EARLY every day since the gym reopened

Q: Moving forward, do you have any short term or long term CrossFit goals?

Steve: No immediate goals for CrossFit, although, I have heard rumors the affiliate cup is coming back…

Ellie: It would be nice to get bar muscle ups back, however, I’m happy just making it to the gym 5-6 days a week at this point to make sure that I can stay my healthiest self.

Customer of the MonthJuly

Anthony Hutchens

We admire Anthony's consistency, and although he might be quiet at first, getting to know him has revealed a man of great character and a relentless pursuit of success.

How long have you been doing CrossFit? What changes have you seen in yourself (physically or mentally) since beginning at Terminus?

I’ve been doing CrossFit for the past 9 months. As a result, I’ve noticed that working out consistently helps to detox my mind and thoughts. I’ve also noticed that I am more patient and peaceful.

How has Terminus helped you outside the gym?

Terminus has helped me build more patience and tolerance. This is applicable in my fitness and personal life. I am slower to react to situations that would normally bother me.

Who inspires you at the gym, and how do they inspire you?

Seeing the dedication of fellow CrossFit members and staff,  the work they put in, and all who have perfected trained movements in CrossFit inspires me. This keeps me motivated to not let injuries or fatigue cloud my mindset or discourage me from being able to perfect all trained movements and workouts. Being among the best encourages me to reach my maximum potential.

What is something that we may not know about you?

Outside of my gym life, I’m a very involved community member, an influential person to the youth and adults in my community, and I am very active in multiple organizations in South Fulton and City of Atlanta as a mentor for youth and  helping incarcerated youth. One of my main goals is to leave a footprint in my community and to reach back and help those coming up.

Any advice for someone considering trying CrossFit for the first time?

If I were to give advice to someone trying CrossFit for the first time, I would tell them “Don’t give up! CrossFit is not easy but it’s worth it.”

What are your top 3 memories at Terminus?

There are many memorable moments at Terminus but there are three that immediately come to mind. On my first day during the intro class, I thought to myself, this program isn’t for me because it was too easy. I assumed that the program was for people with no exercise experience so I convinced myself that I wasn’t coming back and would request a full refund.

My next most memorable moment was when Patrick showed me the proper technique of doing a muscle up. This was my first time ever doing them and I attempted to do a few muscle ups and realized that it was not as “easy” as I initially thought. Once I confirmed that I was doing them correctly, I felt very accomplished.

Lastly, during a recent Saturday workout I was feeling extremely winded and fatigued. I felt like I was about to pass out and vomit. About halfway through the workout, I poured my water bottle on my head and face but forgot that I mixed a scoop of snow cone flavored BCAAs in my water. When I poured it on me it burned my eyes. As a result, I had to finish the rest of the workout with blurred vision and smelling like a carnival.

What’s your proudest accomplishment?

My proudest moment at Terminus was learning how to properly do a muscle up.

Moving forward, do you have any short term or long term Fitness goals?

My short-term fitness goal is to learn and perfect the snatch/ overhead squat. My long-term fitness goals are to stay consistent and relevant during competitive workouts.

Customer of the MonthMay

Mark Emery

After an aggressive lobbying campaign rivaling most special interest groups in Washington DC, we are proud to announce that Mark Emery has joined the ring of honor.

Q: How long have you been doing CrossFit? What changes have you seen in yourself (physically or mentally) since beginning CrossFit?

First of all, I can’t believe I am AOTM. I never guessed it would happen.

I have been doing Crossfit since before many people reading this were even conceived – 2011. I had done P90X in my garage for a year and thought I was ready. Turns out, I wasn’t. My first workout was Karen and I got whipped by a drunk 87 year old.

There aren’t enough words to extoll how Crossfit has changed my entire world. I am stronger, faster and leaner at 45 than 25, and that’s saying something, since at 25 I was already a 3x Olympic curling champion. Mentally, doing Crossfit with Ben Benson means I’ve already met my daily quota of suffering by 7AM. After that, the volume on the rest of life gets turned way down. I like that.

Q: How has CrossFit helped you outside the gym?

It’s my daily reminder that lasting value, happiness, fulfillment and growth flourish through suffering. The ability to suffer gracefully and with purpose is something I really admire in people.

Q: Who inspires you at the gym, and how do they inspire you?

Though I started CrossFit before we met, there’s no way I’d be where I am now without my wife, who inspires, cajoles and annoys me into consistency. Pound for pound, she’s the strongest person I’ve ever had sex with and she will always be my favorite WOD partner. That said, if it involves thrusters, I want a divorce.

There are many others. Trent’s kind heart. Ryan Oubre’s relentless positivity. Ellie Hoover’s man burps. I also admire the quiet grinders who seem to never miss class and do all the accessory work. People like Paulino, Sara Hardy and Katie Taylor.

Q: What is something that we may not know about you?

I love doing impersonations, mostly of people I know. Some of my favorites are Shock G (Digital Underground), Scooby Doo, Hank Hill, Paulino and Ben Benson. I am working on a David Eastman, which involves standing around a lot looking at equipment.

Q: Any advice for someone considering trying CrossFit for the first time?

Most of the fear is centered around what others think. So, here is what experienced CrossFitters think about noobs – you are inspiring AF. You have elected to have your ass handed to you by a stranger, in front of a group of strangers who are all exceedingly better than you are. When I see a brand new CrossFitter, all I see is badass.

Q: What are your top 3 memories in CrossFit?

1.    Getting on the board in my old gym for Diane. While it’s true someone had to die to make that happen, I’m pretty sure he’d be happy for me now.
2.    First muscle up.
3.    My first class at Terminus, taught by Marshall, when my barbell stopped moving vertically mid snatch and I was like “WTAF?” before sort of tumbling back to the bottom of my squat. I looked up and saw this crazy maniac behind me holding my barbell talking to me about grip width or some shit. I’d been a coach for years and in some gyms coaches are reluctant to actually coach other coaches, but this lunatic who I didn’t even know felt totally comfortable demolishing my snatch and I knew I’d found the right gym. Thanks Ben.

Q: What’s your proudest accomplishment?

TBD. Honestly I wake up every day feeling like I haven’t done shit, yet.

In the meantime, nothing really comes close to watching your children be courageous. Recently Scout had the choice between taking a medication for two weeks, or getting a shot. I watched her steel her nerves and tell the doctor she wanted the shot. I don’t think I’ve ever been prouder.

Q: Moving forward, do you have any short term or long term CrossFit goals?

I’d love to be able to handstand walk.

Customer of the MonthMarch

Ben Davidson

With a focus on consistency, Ben has made tremendous progress both inside and outside the gym.

Q: How long have you been doing CrossFit? What changes have you seen in yourself (physically or mentally) since beginning CrossFit?

So I was actually the last person in my family to start doing CrossFit. My two older sisters started a few years ago. They managed to convince me to give it a shot and I’ve been doing CrossFit for just under a year and a half now. The biggest change I’ve seen is mainly just more energy throughout the day, even if I’m waking up for the 5am or 6am class. I’ve also noticed a big physical change since I’ve started and that’s finally showing in the numbers as I’ve lost around 10 pounds since New Years!

Q: How has CrossFit helped you outside the gym?

Like I said, it’s helped me have more energy throughout my days and that’s made a big difference in my productivity. I’m actually working an internship at an accounting firm right now while finishing up my senior year of undergrad. Some days seem so long and draining, but consistently being in the gym has helped me be able to mentally push myself more and prevent myself from being sluggish or exhausted throughout the day. I feel healthier and happier and I can really say that CrossFit has been the catalyst for a lot of that recently.

Q: Who inspires you at the gym, and how do they inspire you?

So many people honestly! The 6am class would have to be the main group of people though, especially some of the other guys in that class like Paulino, Joe, and Jon. Whether it’s Joe pushing me to get better with my olympic lifts, Paulino making sure I always do at least the same level as him, or Jon making me want to get faster aerobically and on the rig, there’s always someone pushing me in every workout. It’s honestly one of the best things about the Terminus community and something that I’ve come to look forward to every morning.

Q: What is something that we may not know about you?

I actually played soccer in college for a few years at Oglethorpe. In total, I played for about 16 years and it’s still something I love to do or watch in my free time on the weekends.

Q: Any advice for someone considering trying CrossFit for the first time?

I think that the best way for someone to really experience CrossFit and benefit from it is to try to immerse themselves in the culture. I really started seeing changes in myself when I became more involved and more consistent with Terminus.

Q: What are your top 3 memories in CrossFit?

Oh gosh, there’s a lot of good ones. The first would have to be actually running my fastest mile that I can honestly remember a few months ago. I remember feeling like absolute death after a super intense assault bike workout in May and I realized nothing will get worse than that. Also, Black Lung was by far one of my favorite workouts I’ve done at Terminus!

Q: What’s your proudest accomplishment?

When we did Crossfit Total and I got a PR on all three movements that day by at least 10 pounds each.

Q: Moving forward, do you have any short term or long term CrossFit goals?

A lot of my goals are more movement based but my main goal is to get more efficient at my gymnastics movements as it’s been one of my weaker areas in the gym. I would love to get at least one bar muscle up this year. For long term, I want to be able to compete in some type of competition whether by myself or with a team.