Coach Patrick’s Birthday Mini-WOD Marathon for Charity

It’s Pisces season which means Coach P will soon turn the big 3-2! To celebrate, he’s doing 32 WODs in 32 hours for charity! And he’s inviting the Terminus community to come workout with him and support a local charity: Giving Kitchen. 

The Details 
Saturday March 20th, 12pm – 8pm
Sunday March 21st, 8am – 8pm

32 events over the course of 32 hours ending with birthday beers in the back parking lot. Members may participate in as many events as they’d like (any brave souls want to do all 32?). Events will happen on the hour or half-hour with extended meal/rest breaks throughout both days. 

The Events
WOD descriptions and event schedule will be released Wednesday March 10th. In order to maintain social distancing, advanced sign-up is required. Sign-up sheets will be posted at the gym Saturday March 13th. Participation caps for each event may vary depending on equipment availability.
Each event will have a $5 suggested donation in order to participate. Some events will be clustered together (i.e. 3 clustered events have a $15 suggested donation).

The Charity:
Giving Kitchen – a local nonprofit whose mission is to provide emergency assistance to food service workers through financial support and a network of community resources. They have done incredible work for food service employees during the Covid crisis and continue to do so.

Click here for more information about Giving Kitchen.

The Fine Print
Open Gym will be cancelled Saturday (3/20) and Sunday (3/21). Saturday morning classes will remain the same. Participants will not receive coaching. That means athletes will be responsible for their own warm-up as well as determining appropriate scaling options for each WOD.
Donations will be accepted via GoFundMe: Click Here
Donations will go direct to the Giving kitchen via GoFundme.
Participation is not required in order to donate.
Please have donations in by Monday March 22nd.